Lisa Sanders, affectionately known as “Mamma Lisa”, has been actively involved in ministry for over thirty years. As an ordained minister, Lisa stands ready and eager to answer the call to share spiritual truths and her personal testimony of God’s miraculous power. Lisa is a retired military chaplain’s wife who has had the unique privilege of ministering both stateside and internationally in places she could have never fathomed. Her passions include mentoring women, grief recovery, and marriage/family relationships.
Lisa published her first book in 2010, Everyday Revelations, a compilation of devotional stories of some significant “God moments” in her life. Lisa is a co-author of the inaugural series Amazon Best Seller, The Father's Daughters Beauty For Ashes, an anthology of testimonies of tragedy to triumph!
Mamma Lisa is known for her caring, nurturing style of relating with people. She is a licensed social worker by profession specializing in the area of mental health, grief/loss, and family relationships.
She and and her husband, Jimmie have been married 35 years and are known for their team ministry work. They are proud parents of four children and grandparents of seven darling grandchildren.